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San Diego Family Law Blog | San Diego Family Law Attorney

Jun 07, 2024
Posted by myadmin

What is Aggravated Robbery?

Robbery charges are serious offenses in the eyes of the court because they could negatively affect your social, financial, and professional life when the prosecutor secures a conviction against you. While several people think that robbery and theft are similar, robbery offenses involve the use of force, violence, or threats to steal from someone else. However, if you had one or two accomplices during the robbery, the prosecutor will file your offense as an aggravated robbery, which carries harsher consequences upon conviction....

May 17, 2024
Posted by myadmin

Homicide Charges in Arizona: Types and Potential Penalties

Homicide refers to the lawful or unlawful taking of another party’s life through intent, criminal negligence, or recklessness. Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) Title 13, Chapter 7, prescribes the...

May 25, 2023
Posted by myadmin

Aggravating & Mitigating Factors

You will be worried about spending time in prison when you are arrested and charged with a felony in Arizona. Additionally, the potential of having a tainted criminal record is challenging for most...

May 10, 2021
Posted by developer

Finding the Best Answering Service For Your Criminal Defense Law Firm

Are you looking for a way to grow your defense law firm without putting the needs of your clients at risk? Then it would help if you considered using an answering service company. As you know, a law...

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