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Fraud Crimes in Phoenix

Being charged with a fraud crime in Phoenix is a very serious situation. There is an enormous social stigma that comes with fraud crimes, which can affect every aspect of your personal and professional lives now and in the future. Fraud crimes are usually fraught with paperwork. It is not uncommon for thousands of pages of evidence to be submitted to the court, all of which must be thoroughly examined when building your defense.

Because of the extensive amount of paperwork involved, and the very strict sentencing guidelines for fraud crimes in Phoenix, it is essential to consult a defense attorney with extensive experience defending fraud crimes charges. If you find yourself charged with any kind of fraud crime in Arizona, you should immediately seek out a competent, aggressive defense attorney to fight for your rights.

How Phoenix Prosecutes Fraud Crimes

Phoenix prosecutes people charged with fraud very aggressively, and punishes those found guilty of fraud very harshly. According to the Arizona Revised Statues A.R.S. § 13-2310, knowingly scheming or artificing to defraud someone is a class 2 felony. Furthermore:

  • Any fraud in the amount of $100,000 or more is not eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, parole or release from confinement in any way until their court-imposed sentence has been served

However, in order to be found guilty of a fraud crime in Phoenix, the prosecution must be able to prove:

  • You misrepresented facts
  • You know the facts you misrepresented are false
  • You misrepresented knowingly false facts to a person (or persons) who relied on the information you provided to be factual
  • The person (or persons) who relied on the information you provided to be factual suffered injury or loss from their reliance

Common Fraud Crimes in Phoenix

There are many different kinds of fraud schemes and artifices. However, some of the most common fraud crimes in Phoenix include:

If you have been accused of, or arrested and charged with, any kind of fraud crime in Phoenix, we recommend consulting a reputable defense attorney before speaking with any alleged victims, as well as the authorities.

Felony Classification for Fraud Crimes in Phoenix

Although A.R.S. § 13-2310 makes fraud a class 2 felony, the attorneys and the judge may take other factors, including financial damages, into account when deciding what charges you will face. In Phoenix, Arizona:

  • Less than $1,000 in fraud may be treated as a class 1 misdemeanor
  • Between $1000 and $1999 may be treated as a class 6 felony
  • Between $2000 and $2999 may be treated as a class 5 felony
  • Between $3000 and $3999 may be treated as a class 4 felony
  • Between $4000 and $24,999 may be treated as a class 3 felony
  • $25,000 or more may be treated as a class 2 felony

To learn more about the penalties for felony crimes in Phoenix, please visit our felony information page

Other Potential Fraud Crime Penalty Factors

It is important to understand that the above figures do not mean that you will be charged with any particular class of felony based solely on the amount of money that was lost. Aggravating factors can cause sentences and fines to be much more severe. The court may take other factors into account when deciding what charges you will face, as well as what your sentence will be. Some of these factors include:

  • How many people were defrauded
  • The age of the victims
  • The mental capacity of the victims
  • Any prior fraud crime convictions
  • Any prior criminal history not related to fraud

Trust Phoenix Criminal Attorney With Your Fraud Crime Defense in Phoenix

The best way to avoid a fraud crime charge is to be absolutely sure the information you are providing customers or clients is factually accurate and correct at all times. However, if you find yourself accused of, or charged with, a fraud crime in Phoenix, it is essential to consult a defense attorney with extensive knowledge of fraud crimes, and proven experience defending fraud crime cases of all severities. We will not stop fighting for your rights, by making sure that every possible legal option and defense strategy is available to you. If you are facing any kind of fraud crime charge in Phoenix, contact us today for a private, no obligation consultation at 602-551-8092

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